Replays Expire July 23rd at 9pm ET
Day 2: Ending Cognitive Dissonance
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Welcome to Day 2

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   Key Summary

Opening and Recap (00:00:00 - 00:10:00)

Day 2 of the Control Alcohol Challenge begins with an invitation for participants to share insights from Day 1, emphasizing the pivotal role of emotional change over behavioral adjustments in overcoming addiction. The session encourages reflecting on the collective realization that achieving a lasting transformation requires focusing on emotional wellbeing.

Understanding Emotion's Role in Recovery (00:10:01 - 00:20:00)

The conversation shifts to a scientific perspective, examining how decades of research support the premise that emotional evolution is essential for changing behavior. This segment highlights the ineffectiveness of setting abstinence goals without addressing emotional triggers, underscoring the necessity of focusing on emotional health.

The Complexity of Emotional Change (00:20:01 - 00:30:00)

Participants delve into the complexities of modifying emotions, which are often seen as habitual and automatic responses. Through discussion, there's a movement towards optimism, suggesting that with the right understanding and interventions, it's possible to rewire these emotional responses despite the apparent challenges.

Addressing Negative Emotions and Overcoming Cognitive Dissonance (00:30:01 - 00:40:00)

Attention is drawn to cognitive dissonance as a significant obstacle in the journey to recovery. Through interactive exercises, participants begin to recognize and address the internal conflict between the desire for change and the pull of established habits, marking a step towards emotional reconciliation.

The Power of Compassion in Healing (00:40:01 - 00:50:00)

The session explores how compassion, both self-directed and towards others, emerges as a vital force in the healing process. Shared stories and empathetic exchanges illustrate compassion's transformative impact, highlighting its importance in addressing addiction's deeper emotional roots.

Reflection and Path Forward (00:50:01 - End)

Day 2 concludes with reflections on the day’s insights, reinforcing the critical role of emotional adaptation in the path to freedom from addiction. Participants are encouraged to practice self-compassion and brace for the ongoing challenge of altering their relationship with alcohol, setting the stage for continued growth and recovery.
Your Challenge Progress
Day 1: Behavior vs. Emotion
Day 2: Ending Cognitive Dissonance
Day 3: Rewiring Your Subconscious Beliefs
Day 4: Adopting an Experiment Mentality
Day 5: Choosing Hope Over Doubt
April 15th-19th @ 12PM ET
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